Monday, April 18, 2011

The general idea that a New International Division of Labor is forming with the global economy

This is a paper that I turned in for my Human Geography class. Hope it can be of help.

The economic changes are interconnected by the global awareness that China has more of a population and can charge lower prices for the same type of work. They have the communication, technology available for them to speed up and connect to the world. By being interconnected and interdependent to the global clothing market they can control the market place. They have the resources to underpriced and move merchandise. China is promptly free trade with all open markets. By globalization, this is giving them more room to spread out, not only to the United States, but to other countries in need as well. China’s organizational system of government and politics aid to utilizing their resources that is available to them.
With the global industrial shift happening in the world, many of the jobs are being lost in search of the cheapest location to manufacture and assemble as many as components as possible. The new international division of labor is an outcome of globalization.  This is supported, but not confined everywhere. Companies will hire the cheapest labor cost, and intensive parts for manufacturing. These manufacturing companies in China take advantage by their communication technology and transportation in the global market. If developing countries can do as many parts as possible to produce, assemble, package and ship, then it has a better chance of them staying in business and surviving the global market; especially with China as the paper states.
If a person were to give their view point from the developmentalist point of view, they would say that it is their own fault for not having unions to help from preventing shut downs of the plants and benefits for their works. El Salvador may have helped their country in the past from a level of poverty by using factories after war, but did not contend to upgrade technology, therefore remained in a level of poverty, because there are many different levels of poverty.  The people there have a lower educational level and therefore, never desire or show willingness to increase education and improve their situation. It is if they want time to stand still and nothing to change. If they would assist themselves with their technologies, transportations and communications systems they may be better off.
The world system theory point of view is that they (Central America) are a peripheral region and that this country will always be at the bottom of the totem pole as the economic hierarchy goes. They are connected as a means when they are needed they can be used. An uneven economic country has weak political competition. They have no resources to battle against.
The information used in this article used to justifying the global shift to China from Central America is in the dollar. As with all things in economics, money is the answer. El Salvador takes on the dollar currency trying to move up from being a peripheral region to hopefully a semiperipheral region, but does not realize the increase in labor costs and transportation. While China on the other hand is from a region that can mass produce and move resources globally.

Lorraine H. Emory, RN

Monday, April 4, 2011

The Involvement of Leadership in “The Velveteen Rabbit”

Of course, the first time that I post I ended up spelling Velveteen wrong. So who wants to looks at something that is spelled wrong. It is even hard to find it on the internet these days if it is spelled wrong. So here we go again with it. Test number 2.

The Involvement of Leadership in “The Velveteen Rabbit”

Leadership can be shown in many different styles and forms such as in the Velveteen Rabbit. The rabbit is the key to becoming a leader while becoming Real; a divine way of opening ourselves up to upcoming encounters. We will explore the relationship between identifying leadership theories, traits and styles of the characters in this beloved fairy tale.
The little boy receives a toy engine, clockwork mouse and a rabbit in his stocking on Christmas morning. One could identify these as the little engine that could and how much longer in time does the story go. This little rabbit got the opportunity to be played with for the first two charming hours. The boy loved him, in spite of the fact that everyone made him felt insignificant because he was out of date being made of sawdust.
Then, once the aunt and uncle came, they give other gifts to unwrap. More than likely have given the older picture books to the boy. The boy had a preconceived idea of how things were to be. He had received new toys.  These new mechanical toys felt superior, looked down upon everyone else. These mechanical toys were full of modern ideas but only pretended to be real. The two seasons old model boat caught tones of this informational power and never missed an opportunity to throw in his technical terms.
Timothy, the jointed wooden lion pretended to be connected with government so he must feel the connection by power, since the disabled soldiers fixed him. Although the disabled soldiers are the old government that no longer works, Timothy stills wants a type of power.
Skin horse is my favorite. He has the referent power of only a kind, older, wiser, person would have. A referent person in power may have seen the long succession of people or in this case mechanical toys that have arrived, boasted then broke. The skin horse encourages rabbit through his incisive knowledge.
The mechanical toys are acting more like transactional leaders. They are focusing on the day to day activities. They do not see the vision of being Real. They have not empowered the group to work as a whole. They do not communicate clearly with the other toys in the nursery.
Nana in this story is the management and some leadership. Management is the coordination of resources to achieve outcomes, whereas, leadership is the ability to guide or influence others. Management that not necessary notices all affairs because she doesn’t always notice the play things lying about. Nana, like management, was like a great wind and then hustled toys away to the cupboards. The toys made of tin are always the hardest hit by Nana. Outside nursing agencies, prn staff and staff with no remarkable accomplishments are the hardest hit also in this complex situation and environment.
Nana does feel the boy is precious and fragile like that of his china dog. When the china dog couldn’t be found, Nana scrambled to find something comfortable, for the little boy was not an infant anymore. After all, a china dog could be like a newborn little boy, so precious and fragile. But Nana grabs this little Rabbit up by one ear, possibility to hear and into the arms of the little boy. Luckily, Rabbit later in the story goes to the little boy’s ear and whispers, the fever then turns downward. Nana’s authority contributes to her sound judgment and therefore teaches Rabbit. This is Rabbit’s clinical skill that he was ready to perform, this was his assigned responsibility, and he had made an emotional investment. He realized that the boy needed him and through him, aided the recovery progress.
We can assume that the Rabbit had learned leadership trait theories them along the way. We can incorporate the drive of energy that it takes to become intelligent. Rabbit had a lot of ambition and was dependable by being by the boy’s side. Through experiences a leader was born. Rabbit was looking forward to the reward power of the hind legs, but admitting to be Real was more important to him.
Rabbit felt like he paid his dues from being left outside with dirt and moisture on him from the tunnels in the flower beds. During his learning he had be rolled over, pushed to the point that he could barely breathe. He sacrificed by working the night shifts. Like the nursing profession there are many avenues to be taken to the parallel of the Rabbits tunnels.
Rabbit longed for improvements with his leadership ability, his own self assessment was obtained. As evidence by seeing and being with the wild rabbits after the boy stated that he was real even though he could not hop without hind legs.  Rabbit was fuming and wanted more.
Before mastering the art of leadership a person could hold tight to their protector, like as the boy held tight to Rabbit while he was learning. Rabbit was rolled over and pushed so far under that he could scarcely breathe. Nurses learn this especially first as a graduate RN. He was working overtime on the night shift with the tunnels or the different avenues that a nurse could take in life.
Leadership occurs any time a person attempts to influence the behaviors, beliefs, or options of a group or person. There are three major areas for effective leadership: conceptual, human and technical skills.  It was a combination of learned leadership skills, intrinsic personality traits, and characteristics of the situation. This is the Rabbit, at the first of the story he is shy and throughout he has learned leadership skills. Till at the end he dances and leaps through the grass with excitement of achieving his new acquired skills and one’s own feelings of independence and abilities.
Through time, circumstances, sacrifice and devotion, Rabbit gives to his boy throughout the illness; hence transformed to Real, it took a long time but he never broke. True referent power that is democratic in their transformational leadership style is indeed every nurse’s adventure.

Lorraine H. Emory, RN